Your personal information is controlled by the system. Where you work, how much you make, what you eat, where you spend your money and all. Therefore, there is no privacy for your personal life. Information has been collected by credit bureau to provide information to all creditors. If you do not have good credit history then you do not get a good job, cannot rent an apartment. Every thing depends on credit history. To build your good credit, one has to barrow money form bankers or credit card companies, pay high interest, and pay the bills by using your card. If you do not pay the bill for ninety days then there will be bad remark on your credit report. Bad credit means, no body lend you money. Then the game starts. To improve your history it takes ten years. Buy home, car, education, business every thing on loan; keep paying the bills throughout life with high interest. One cannot escape from the system, it makes you work, and work and work…...make reach corporate houses. I had credit card with Bank of America, after using for long time, got tired, paid all the balance on it and requested the bank that I do not need credit card any more. They said yes. After three months I came to know that they have spoiled my credit report, they put small amount as due on account that I was not aware of. To my understanding, I had cleared the account. However, they had power to do what ever they want. That is how it is.
However, surprise, here is lesson for corporate houses, the bubble got burst over night, and big names in America collapsed just like that. No one in the world had idea it might happen some thing like this. Bad credits, bad home loans, and all other bad credit got very bad and every thing got back to them, the great lesson in the history of financial world, some thing went wrong ,It would take time to analize.At least in the banking sector India is not that bad under the name of free economy and globalization . The time has come to think all over again to fix the problem in the global economy.
Vedang Dharashive.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Listen to my music.
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